Five Tips For Photographing A Wedding In the Rain

For Photographers

March 6, 2015


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Luckily, in Southern California we usually don’t get a lot of rain during wedding season, but this year has started off differently. My first two weddings of the year have had pouring rain and I know rain is supposed to bring good luck for the couple, but it brings challenges for the photographer. Here are some things that I have learned from my first two weddings of 2015 that can hopefully help you when you are photographing a wedding on a rainy day. Five tips for photographing a wedding in the rain:


1. Bring an assistant. This is the most important thing I can recommend doing on a rainy wedding day. In my business, I always have a second photographer unless otherwise requested, but I typically do not bring an assistant. I reccomend bringing an assistant to a rainy day wedding because then you can have someone dedicated to the equipment and holding umbrellas which will allow you to stay focused on creating beautiful images.

2. Bring a rain cover for your camera. Personally, I think rain covers for my camera kill my creativity. I still use them in the rain to keep my equipment dry, but they aren’t the easiest things to use and they get in the way when trying to adjust your lens and any of your settings. No matter if you love them or hate them you should still bring one to a wedding so that you are prepared just in case you need it. Here are some rain cover options: B and H

3. Bring a few umbrellas. You should always have an large umbrella for yourself and the couple. Umbrellas make everything so much easier and having your assistant hold one over you while you shoot is a great alternative to the rain cover.

4. Bring towels. Towels are your equipment’s best friend. I carry three small towels in my car on a wedding day just in case the equipment does get wet. The worst thing you can do is put wet equipment into your camera bag which will get over all of your other equipment and possibly ruin something.

5. Dress extra warm. Layers, scarves, and rain boots! On a rainy wedding day I wear a lot of layers so that I can be comfortable indoors and still stay warm when i’m outside. Rain boots aren’t the most professional or stylish shoe to wear on a wedding day, but you need to keep your feet warm and dry throughout the day as well. Some rain boots can be very squeaky so I also recommend bringing another pair of shoes to change into when you are indoors.


Luckily, in Southern California we usually don’t get a lot of rain during wedding season, but this year has started off differently. My first two weddings of the year have had pouring rain and I know rain is supposed to bring good luck for the couple, but it brings challenges for the photographer. Here are some things that I have learned from my first two weddings of 2015 that can hopefully help you when you are photographing a wedding on a rainy day. Five tips for photographing a wedding in the rain:


1. Bring an assistant. This is the most important thing I can recommend doing on a rainy wedding day. In my business, I always have a second photographer unless otherwise requested, but I typically do not bring an assistant. I reccomend bringing an assistant to a rainy day wedding because then you can have someone dedicated to the equipment and holding umbrellas which will allow you to stay focused on creating beautiful images.

2. Bring a rain cover for your camera. Personally, I think rain covers for my camera kill my creativity. I still use them in the rain to keep my equipment dry, but they aren’t the easiest things to use and they get in the way when trying to adjust your lens and any of your settings. No matter if you love them or hate them you should still bring one to a wedding so that you are prepared just in case you need it. Here are some rain cover options: B and H

3. Bring a few umbrellas. You should always have an large umbrella for yourself and the couple. Umbrellas make everything so much easier and having your assistant hold one over you while you shoot is a great alternative to the rain cover.

4. Bring towels. Towels are your equipment’s best friend. I carry three small towels in my car on a wedding day just in case the equipment does get wet. The worst thing you can do is put wet equipment into your camera bag which will get over all of your other equipment and possibly ruin something.

5. Dress extra warm. Layers, scarves, and rain boots! On a rainy wedding day I wear a lot of layers so that I can be comfortable indoors and still stay warm when i’m outside. Rain boots aren’t the most professional or stylish shoe to wear on a wedding day, but you need to keep your feet warm and dry throughout the day as well. Some rain boots can be very squeaky so I also recommend bringing another pair of shoes to change into when you are indoors.


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